Friday, September 12, 2008

"Splay" by Shiner.

Shiner is a pretty cool band, but the poor production on this record really holds it back in a big way. The guitar parts are all completely interesting, and the rest of the band are clearly behind the songs 100%, but if you have this record playing in the background, it's somewhat forgettable, and at times, borders on annoying. Only when heard on headphones, does the album sufficiently come to life, and boy does it ever. These guys are ready to rock, but only on their own terms, and only when they're good and ready. Splay is embellished with intricate arrangements and odd time signatures delivered at a steady, even pace, which only serves to enrich the listening experience. I'd love to hear some later works by Shiner, if the production has improved.


Jesse said...

Try listening to their album "The Egg" It's got a far better production quality. (Actually, all the other albums after splay do)

Izzy said...

Sweet, thanks for the heads up!